The Q5 has bespoke, dual in-house manufactured toroidal transformers that “isolate digital and analog voltage supplies, ...
So there are two main approaches to fusion energy. One is what I described, which is inertial confinement confusion. The other is magnetic fusion. And magnetic fusion uses a large toroidal vessel, so ...
Three great guests. Tim Latimer is CEO of Fervo Energy. Dr. Kim Budil is the Director of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. And Mateo Jaramillo is Co-Founder and CEO of Form Energy. Thanks so ...
物理学家成功研发出“电磁涡旋炮”(electromagnetic vortex cannon),结合了涡旋环(vortex rings)与电磁学(electromagnetic)两大迷人现象,实现了28年前的理论预测,为未来通讯、国防及太空探索等领域带来革命性 ...