当谈到他与茶的联系时,王敏说:“因为我从小就生长在茶山这样一个环境中,还有家族的一种传承,心里面就有对茶的一种情感,对茶有着一种爱在里面。有了情感有了爱之后,才有更大的一个信念,把手工茶这样一门技艺更好地传承发扬。” ...
On September 22nd, the 2024 Five-Man Boat Race kicked off in Nantou Town, Zhongshan, with 61 teams from various communities ...
HANGZHOU, Sept. 22 (Xinhua) -- China is working on serving a more diverse range of food options for future deep-space exploration missions, according to the Second Frontier Forum of Space Medicine ...
In the wake of severe challenges the world is facing today, countries should work together to strengthen policy communication ...
Do you know how to read "罍" in Chinese? It’s called "léi", a bronze wine glass. It shows the expression of Anhui people's ...
词汇加油站 🛢️ 教授与跨文化交流相关的词汇,如“festival”、“tradition”、“celebrate”等,为接下来的学习打下基础。 故事时间 📖 讲述一两个关于不同国家家庭庆祝节日的故事,如中国的春节、美国的感恩节等,让孩子们在故事中感受文化的魅力。
Stefan Paul, Chief Executive Officer of Kuehne + Nagel Group, shared his view on Shanghai's 2035 vision.
"In 10 years, Shanghai will be an even more vibrant, inclusive, and innovative city. It will be a place where ambition meets responsibility, where tradition blends seamlessly with innovation, and ...
美国库恩基金会主席罗伯特·库恩寄语中秋佳节时表示,中秋节这一传统节日提供了很好的机会,让人们思考传统、家庭、机遇、挑战,深刻认识到生活中以及人类面对的喜悦与忧困。他祝福所有朋友们中秋快乐,幸福安康。 (陈天浩 冯爽) Sending his Mid-Autumn greetings, Robert Kuhn, Chairman of the Kuhn Foundation, said it's r ...
美国库恩基金会主席罗伯特·库恩寄语中秋佳节时表示,中秋节这一传统节日提供了很好的机会,让人们思考传统、家庭、机遇、挑战,深刻认识到生活中以及人类面对的喜悦与忧困。他祝福所有朋友们中秋快乐,幸福安康。 (陈天浩 冯爽) ...