Amalgam’s latest 1:8 scale creation takes over 3,300 hours to hand-craft and will be limited to less than 400 examples in ...
The 1:8 scale model specialist also offers a built-to-order variant that costs over $25,000 ...
It's made by Amalgam, and costs over $18,000.
All Ferraris are expensive, there's no doubts about that, but who knew that even a scale model Ferrari can be just as pricey?
The replicas are available at 1:18 and 1:8 scale, with the latter starting at $18,220 and taking 300 hours of hand assembly.
È prodotto da Amalgam e viene offerto a un prezzo di oltre 18 mila dollari. Che diventano 25 mila per gli esemplari ...
法拉利于年中推出 12C ilindri旗舰超跑,是不少车迷的Dream Car,不但车价接近7百万元起跳,想不到1:8模型也绝不便宜。Amalgam Collection今回推出的 12C ...
I ragazzi di Amalgam hanno sfornato un'altra delle loro prelibatezze, una Ferrari 12Cilindri in scala 1:8 esagerata in ogni ...
Ferrari 12Cilindri 1:8 by Amalgam, il modellino lungo 60 centimetri costa come un'auto vera. Il perché lo mostrano le foto. E un video ...
以汽车工艺闻名的阿玛拉姆收藏(Amalgam Collection)发布了一款令人惊叹的1:8比例法拉利12Cilindri模型。这款收藏品是根据法拉利的精确规格设计的,其价格标签堪比一辆新车。起价高 ...
当新款法拉利加入市场时,Amalgam的艺术家们制作一个缩小比例的复制品只是时间问题。向1:8比例的12Cilindri问好,它看起来和真实车型一样令人惊艳。和真车一样,你得花不少钱才能拥有一辆。在这 ...
“We’ve got a big department that is just doing 3-D work,” says Copeman. The 12Cilindri incorporates thousands of intricate parts that include photo etchings and CNC-machined metal ...