宋陵,即北宋(公元960-1127年)帝陵。北宋九个皇帝,除微、钦二帝被金兵虏去外,其余七个皇帝及赵弘殷均葬在巩义,通称“七帝八陵”,加上后妃和宗室亲王、王孙及高怀德、蔡齐、寇准、包拯、杨六郎、赵普等功勋名将共有陵墓近千座。现地上所存700多件精美石 ...
北宋(960—1127年)是中国历史上继五代十国之后的朝代,传九位皇帝,享国167年。北宋是中国历史上经济最发达、科技水平最先进、文化最昌盛、艺术最繁荣的朝代之一。中国历史上很多重大发明都出现在北宋。北宋政治开明,不搞君主专制,在整个帝制时代 ...
is a set of books on standards and knowhows of architectures. It was compiled under the auspices of Li Jie (1035-1110), an offi- cial in the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127), and is crowned as the ...
of the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127). However, the idea existed for a long time previously as a world outlook and a way of thinking and can be traced back to The Book of Changes (Yi Jing). An ...