China's foreign exchange market recorded transactions totaling 26.94 trillion yuan (US$3.78 trillion) in August, official ...
The value of China's international trade in goods and services reached approximately 4.18 trillion yuan in August this year, ...
凭借《20世纪的人们》,奥古斯特•桑德创造了一部巨大的作品,这部作品在摄影历史上非常著名,是摄影文学的一部经典。桑德在20世纪20年代就构思了这个规模庞大的项目,但最终未能完成。他本打算用自己的一生来完成这个项目,目标仅仅是完成一幅具有类型意义的对现 ...
Henan's economy maintained a steady and positive trend in August, with major economic indicators such as industry, investment and consumption showing accelerated growth compared to the figures in July ...
与此同时,西海岸的生蚝养殖者可以通过让生蚝产地更加多样,来继续满足人们在夏季的需求,例如在气温升高时,采购较冷地方的生蚝。当然,远程运输生蚝会增加二氧化碳的排放量,因此生蚝养殖者也在探索其他的一些技术, ...
China's value-added industrial output, an important economic indicator, went up 4.5 percent year-on-year in August, according to the National Bureau of Statistics on Saturday. 国家统计局9月14日发布数据显示,8月份,规模以 ...
BEIJING, Sept. 13 (Xinhua) -- China's central bank said Friday that it will maintain its monetary policy support to contribute to economic growth, as financial data continued to show steady growth in ...
BEIJING, Sept. 26 (Xinhua) — Beijing has entered a moderate aging society, with the permanent elderly population in the city ...
近段时间关于英特尔酷睿第13代和第14代台式机处理器性能不稳定的情况在各种平台甚嚣尘上,大部分的新闻不排除有添油加醋的行为,英特尔得知之后,也在第 一时间内也开启了官方的调查,本着严谨和认真的态度,官方也在不断地进行排查和验证,力求找到处理器不稳定的真正原因。