Samarium (Sm), a rare earth metal, is important to organic chemists because of the ability of its divalent compounds to ...
The ligand enables the use of more stable trivalent samarium compounds, which are reduced to divalent samarium when exposed ...
Benzo(a)anthracene. Benzo(a)pyrene, Benzo(b)fluoranthene, Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene, arsenic, lead, manganese and “slag” were also noted as “Contaminants of Concern”, in the report.
Little's solution was to envisage a conducting polymer spine, prototypically polyacetylene, in close proximity to parallel stacks of polarizable, aromatic, anthracene-like molecules: sufficient ...
Dr. Joseph Roser (SETI Institute) is an experimental molecular physicist with extensive experience in laboratory astrophysics using spectroscopic and surface science experimental techniques. Dr. Roser ...
Coupling Between Electrons and Molecular Vibrations of an Anthracene Single Molecule in a Cyclodextrin. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 73, Issue. 11, p. 3015.
We have solved the crystal structure of the Diels-Alder ribozyme, which catalyzes the cyclization of anthracene and N-pentyl maleimide, in both the unbound state and in complex with the reaction ...
Dr. Ricca is a computational chemist with over 25 years of experience in modeling the formation, reactivity, spectroscopy, and optical properties of organic compounds in the gas-phase and in ices. She ...
Bisantrene is an anthracene-based chemotherapy drug originally developed in the 1970s in France, which is known to reduce cardiotoxicity when used with anthracyclines. Despite bisantrene’s ...
Divalent samarium compounds are important reagents for reductive transformations in organic chemistry. However, currently, a high amount of this reagent is required in most reactions, and it also ...