Immediately following independence, a group of Arakanese Muslims went on the political offensive, pushing for the integration of Maungdaw and Buthidaung into what was then known as East Pakistan.
Neither the Mons in the south nor the Arakanese on the western coastal strip have a state of their own, but both groups have developed high cultures in the past, supplied many leaders to the Civil ...
Another kind of check common in Yangon is examining mobile phones for virtual private network (VPN) apps, usually at traffic ...
He also raised questions about the Rohingya identity, saying that “A major issue for most Arakanese would also be the name with which the refugees would want to be identified. ‘Rohingya’ is ...
During the rule of the Palas, Buddhism experienced changes including the introduction of Tantricism. Different schools of ...
The Arakan Army is an ethno-nationalist armed group based in Rakhine. Created in 2009, its objective is to promote the national identity of the Arakanese people and restore their sovereignty. It has ...
Relatively free from foreign influence, the Arakan Army is poised to carve out a large autonomous statelet in western Myanmar ...
Also dissatisfied with their position today are the Arakanese, who inhabit. Burma's western seaboard nearest to India. Cut off from the rest of the country by a high mountain range, the Arakanese ...
The Buddhist Rakhine or Arakanese trace their history back to the Arakanese kingdom at the Bay of Bengal which was conquered by the Burmese in 1784. Ethnic minorities make up around 40% of the ...
For all their success against the junta, the ethnic armies of northern Shan and Rakhine are not part of a broader united front fighting for a common, nationwide goal.
“The statements...could lead to misunderstandings and suspicions between the Muslim and non-Muslim communities and cause disrespectful impressions of Arakanese among the international communit ...