1940年5月,温斯顿·丘吉尔成为英国首相。作为对《关于‘超级炸弹’的构造》的直接回应,他首先采取的行动之一是成立了一个铀小组委员会,就如何推进铀浓缩进程向他的政府提出建议。它最终被称为莫德委员会,这个不引人注目的名字实际上指的是玻尔家族孩子的前监护人。当德国人入侵丹麦时,玻尔要求把他的安全消息送到弗里施和莫德·雷·肯特那里。困惑的科学家们起初以为信息中含有编码指令。他们后来意识到,它实际上指的是 ...
The Labour Party’s annual conference should have been a jubilant occasion. But Keir Starmer is on the defensive after intense ...
(JTA) — Clement Attlee, who served as prime minister of Britain in the aftermath of World War II, housed a refugee child who escaped from the Nazis just months before the start of the war ...
Prime Minister Attlee of Britain addresses the U.S. Congress on current world problems in 1945. Trump's Closing Debate Statement Trounces Harris' Remarks in TikTok Views I Asked 6 Chefs the Best ...
Peter Jay was born in February 1937 into the bosom of the London Labour intelligentsia. His father Douglas was a journalist, civil servant and politician who served under both Clement Attlee and ...
And nationalization itself was the new grand strategy that, as Attlee put it, represented "the embodiment of our socialist principle of placing the welfare of the nation before any "section." ...
'We've had 14 years of despair under the Tories - now it's time for Labour to rebuild' ...
The comments provoked worldwide reaction and British Prime Minister Clement Attlee rushed to Washington to express his concern. Truman reluctantly reassured him that the U.S. had "no intention" of ...
I BELIEVE that the relationship between Dhaka and Delhi could have been as strong as the one between Washington and London.
Why are people at Conservative Party Conference 2024 still talking about Margaret Thatcher? Because she gave Tories something ...
How did it all unravel so quickly for this Labour government? It took a few years for the grassroots party members to rebel ...