Not surprising, MicroSpher C18 HPLC columnn provides fast analysis not only saves time, it also saves money. If an analysis can be performed in half the time it means that for instance a ...
Using C18 functionalized magnetic organic polymer nanocomposite combined with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), the researchers aimed to enhance the sensitivity and efficiency of the ...
Stock market investors want returns, which naturally draws them to the realm of global capital markets. These are drivers of ...
Our 10-team, H2H points fantasy basketball mock draft was highlighted by a new wave of young talent moving into the first ...
Sets which grammar to use. c89 and c90 tells the parser to use the old grammar, where declaration were not required to have a type specifier, in which case "int" was used (it still recognizes C99, C11 ...
These rankings are based on expectations of fantasy points produced until the end of the season. Fantasy points are based on ...
2023年,圣奥科技凭借其卓越的产品品质、创新的设计理念以及卓越的市场表现,成功入选中家协首次评选的“中国家具十大品牌”名单。这一荣誉不仅是对圣奥科技品牌实力的认可,更是对其在办公家具领域持续创新和卓越贡献的肯定。此次参展,圣奥科技将携这份荣誉,以更 ...
2. 独特的双配位键合和双封端提供了高pH 稳定性 安捷伦ZORBAX Extend-C18 色谱柱使用创新性的双配位C18-C18 键合技术,使得在高pH 条件 下使用硅胶基色谱柱开发高分离度分离成为可能。在高pH 条件下 ...
近日,备受瞩目的第 29 届中国国际家具展览会暨 2024 摩登上海时尚家居展(简称“2024浦东家具双展”)于9月10日-9月13日在上海浦东新国际博览中心与世博展览馆隆重举办。
圣奥成立于1991年,很早就奠定了在办公家具行业的领先地位。多年前就被评定为“中国办公家具综合实力第一名”,2023年中国家具行业协会首评“中国家具十大品牌”,圣奥也位列其中。2024年独揽办公家具3项年度大奖,既是对其多年深耕家具行业、坚持品质为先 ...