Emotional intelligence plays a key role in children's well-being and success. It's important to educate kids on emotions and ...
Ever since scientists proposed the first theories on the biological foundations of emotion, this is how they’ve ...
Play is much more than just a way to pass the time, it is a crucial part of your child's early development. For kids aged ...
New research reveals that mixed emotions, like feeling both happy and sad, are processed in distinct areas of the brain.
Learn how to equip your child with tools to handle racial and emotional stressors at school, fostering resilience and pride.
And the most powerful way that you can teach your child about exercise is to do it yourself. CBS News reports that children ...
You’ve probably heard the advice about taking deep breaths, journaling, and clearing the mind, which can be helpful ...
One research group found that volunteers’ physiological responses – such as heart rate and skin conductance – display unique patterns during experiences that are both disgusting and funny, compared ...
I'm a mom of two and I'm teaching my kids about financial literacy, emotions, and being self compassionate. It's in no way a ...
It’s always a great feeling to know that our kids are connected. We can call them, check their location or send them a quick ...
A recent study concluded that Kansas City area kids aren't as active as they should be—and improving that will take some ...