It colours proteins very heavily. With practice, the red tint and fine grain of the alkaloid precipitate can be readily distinguished from the flocculent brown of the protein. Errera 1 devised the ...
Jamie Carter is an award-winning reporter who covers the night sky. The feathery spiral arms of the "flocculent" galaxy NGC 2775, 67 million light-years distant in the ... [+] constellation of Cancer.
A quarry company's application for Fast-track consideration could have far-reaching consequences for areas of private land which are supposed to be protected in perpetuity. The Mangapiko stream sings ...
Born in Ghana and raised in Nigeria, Boyd’s touchstones have been colonial and post-colonial. The Graham Greene comparison is ...
It's the flocculent spiral NGC 5676 in Boötes. Flocculent galaxies have a soft or fluffy appearance and no bar. Because of its high surface brightness, NGC 5676 is visible through a 6-inch scope ...
Describe the growth of unknown A in broth culture. Describe the growth patterns both before and after mixing! Useful terms: Uniform fine turbidity (turbid throughout), flocculent (clumpy), pellicle ...