Georgia, a Microsoft staple, is a rounded and reliable serif choice with horizontal top serifs that are easier to spot on a ...
Easy to Use: A user-friendly interface that simplifies the font creation process, making it accessible to users of all skill ...
Variable fonts can make a world of difference to your designs by giving you precise control over width, weight and line spacing ...
This free web font is a sans serif with low contrast and a tall x-height, qualities that translate well onto screen. Its wide character set includes small caps, pictograms and arrows. Drawing on the ...
曾经风光无限的“淘宝带货*人”张大奕,如今却面临着闭店。 9月19日,网红张大奕在微博发文宣布,旗下的淘宝女装店“吾欢喜的衣橱”将无限期延迟上新。按此说法,初代网红张大奕算是将自己经营10年的网店“关店”了。
Bored with the same-old same-old when you're writing in Google Docs? You can make your Docs sparkle any way you like -- and ...
That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the 19 best fonts to use on your resume. There are lots of lists out there on the ...
WordPress is a powerful platform that is used by over 40% of all websites on the internet. While there are numerous pre-built ...
省会第十三届歌手大赛决赛日前在石家庄市青少年宫举办,吸引了众多市民参加。 此次活动由石家庄市委宣传部、市文联等7个部门联合举办,市音乐家协会承办。大赛旨在充分发挥文艺举旗帜、聚民心、育新人、兴文化、展形象的使命任务,丰富人民群众的文化生活,展示群众文化风采,推动石家庄艺术文化的发展,促进歌唱艺术专业水平的提升,增强城市活力。 据了解,省会第十三届歌手大赛吸引了全市500余名音乐爱好者报名,通过初赛 ...
Google's latest smartwatches pack even bigger displays. These are the best Google Pixel Watch 3 faces to download for your ...
9月12日上午,石家庄市城市管理志愿者协会联合市社会组织孵化中心、市海外归国青年协会、市网络直播协会,在正太广场成功举办了“金秋送爽 情暖环卫”公益活动。此次活动,在市城市管理综合行政执法局直属单位工会指导下,旨在表达对环卫职工的深切关怀与崇高敬意,为辛勤工作在环卫一线的职工们送去温暖与祝福。市城管局二级调研员邢玉胜、二级调研员程利辉,市环卫事务中心副主任乔阁,市城管局有关科室负责人和各参与协会( ...
This week, the government introduced special plates for electric vehicles – distinctive white background plates with Euro-style fonts and an identifier strip on the left side. Colour and font aside, ...