GReddy looks forward to exhibiting at the 2008 SEMA Show in Las Vegas, NV in its 20' x 40' booth, and will have three new project vehicles and new 2009 products on display.
接下来则进行了其他改装,包括各种管路套件和GReddy泄压阀,以增强增压响应。 整个引擎对于原厂的VR38DETT的响应很好,整车升级了Amuse Hi-Tec ROM ...
本项目是为2020年同济大学计算机系高级程序语言设计2期末作业。实现了一个功能齐全的贪吃蛇游戏。 入门版: 要求玩家控制方向键来控制小蛇的前进方向,以使蛇吃掉面板上随机位置上的食物(位置随机,数量为1-5随机)。每次成功吃掉食物后小蛇体长将增加 ...
Stated GReddy Performance Product's Kenji Sumino, "Now that TRUST's reorganization plan has been approved, GReddy Performance Products is working hard to follow suit in the United States.
包括RE雨宫GReddy系列、RE amamiya Genki 7、Digital Builder rx7等等,其中曝光率最高,应用最广泛的莫过于这套RESUPER ...
没错,这辆BRZ的确是一辆自动挡车型。可能你会认为它不纯粹,没有驾驶乐趣。不可否认,手动挡的确能提供给驾驶者高度的畅快感和参与感,但在 ...
Super Street After Dark played host to some of the best builds in California, and these Hondas blew our minds.
A new set of Hot Wheels Premium collectibles is coming up, and it's a rather diverse mix of vehicles, to say the least.
Algorithms that I studied on the book: Competitive Programmer's Handbook by Antti Laaksonen. I have a physical copy of this book, and its amazing, I learned a lot reading every line os this book, and ...
Greddy's FC3 Si coupe is the newest Civic to make this list, missing the '90s sweet spot by some 17 years, but it more than holds its own thanks to a relatively modest but well thought out makeover.
Hot Wheels Team Transport mixes usually feature six vehicles, but we're getting seven this time! And several of them are brand-new!