Xi signed a presidential order on Sept. 13 to award national medals and national honorary titles to 15 individuals on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the PRC. China celebrates ...
昔年,郭富城专程到美国,在百事行政总裁手上接过 “Pepis Music Hall of Fame” 奖项,领奖时,台下的嘉宾全部起立,为他鼓掌,令其感动得眼泛泪光。
BEIJING, Sept. 27 (Xinhua) -- A reception to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China was held for foreign experts in various fields on Friday evening at the ...
这位热门电视剧《绯闻少女》(Gossip Girl)的女主角已经成为时下美国时尚界竞相追捧的第一美少女,媒体人称她有“詹妮弗·安妮斯顿的率直眼神、卡梅隆·迪亚兹的爽朗微笑、杰西卡·辛普森的大波浪长发和20岁的无敌青春”。2012年被美国《人物》评选为全球最美女性第15位。马上点击进入,看看这位美国甜心的曾经都有过怎样惹眼的经典造型!
证券业界将修改模范标准,在发生渎职和贪污等重大金融犯罪时,必须向调查机关通报。27日,金融监督院和金融投资协会在首尔汝矣岛金融投资协会Bulls ...
(槟城27日讯)槟岛市政厅礼堂(City ...
New York City Mayor Eric Adams has been indicted after a federal corruption investigation, but the indictment is sealed and ...
Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, right, and France’s President Emmanuel Macron stand outside Rideau Cottage at Rideau ...
2024年9月26日,国内ETF方面,纳指100ETF (513390)盘中涨超1%,成交额超千万元,年初至今涨幅近17%。标普500ETF (513500)盘中涨0.26%,成交额超3000万元,今年来涨幅超21%。
2024年9月25日,圣地亚哥国际机场(San Diego International Airport)正式启动了新航站楼1(Terminal ...