Detroit's return to the Helly Hansen Sailing World World Regatta Series kicked off an action-packed second half to the season ...
Smooth Start to Helly Hansen Sailing World Regatta Series San Diego The Helly Hansen Sailing World Regatta Series got off to a clean start on South Bay. With mix of new and old, big and small ...
在展现产品力方面,ODIN奥丁有幸被《中国国家地理》科学考察团队选择 HELLY HANSEN 的ODIN奥丁系列作为官方装备,一起探索极具挑战性的自然气候与地理环境,墨脱拥有“莲花秘境”的美称。在藏语里v墨脱意为“隐秘莲花盛开的地方”。
This topic came up for me recently when I was attending an event organized by Helly Hansen and AKA, a UK-based charity dedicated to creating opportunities for disadvantaged groups to access the ...
The Helly Hansen jacket will keep you dry while looking fashionable. Its long, structured silhouette frames the body so well it looks custom-made. You won't find any fancy bells and whistles with ...
一直以来,京东服饰始终致力于为广大消费者提供丰富前沿的时尚服饰产品和优质服务,加之此前宣布追加10亿资源全面投入服饰品类,本次携手服饰品牌亮相国际时装周,在为品牌带来确定性增长空间同时,也让“买服装 ...
Canadian Tire Corporation (CTC) has over 90 brands and 1,700 retail locations and was ranked seventh among 72 companies in ...
京东作为伦敦时装周亚洲官方线上零售合作伙伴,将会携手品牌展现更多时尚潮流趋势,凯乐石、Helly Hansen、伯希和、波司登、安高若、蓝岐等户外 ...
2024年伦敦时装周于9月12日-17日举行。京东作为伦敦时装周亚洲官方线上零售合作伙伴,将会携手品牌展现更多时尚潮流趋势,凯乐石、Helly ...
9月12日-17日,2024年伦敦时装周如期举行,京东作为伦敦时装周亚洲官方线上零售合作伙伴,将会携手品牌展现更多时尚潮流趋势,凯乐石、Helly Hansen、伯希和、波司登、安高若、蓝岐等户外品牌将于9月15日亮相伦敦时装周。时装周期间,大家可以来京东APP搜“时装周”,即可选购这些品牌的秀场同款,还能享受每满300减30优惠,以“轻户外风”的穿搭风格引领今年秋冬的户外潮流趋势。