A US Youth visits the Yulin Caves in Dunhuang, discovering the rich history and cultural significance of this ancient site along China's Silk Road. #silkroadexpo #Dunhuang ...
The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) embodies the cultural spirit of Lingnan. Guangdong, as a region that ...
Fifty students from more than 20 countries and regions experienced traditional Chinese medicine in Shanghai over the weekend, ...
The exhibition focuses on the latest discoveries and achievements from 20 archaeological excavation projects in Guangzhou in ...
Join The Happy Monk & Hopeful Hearts Guangzhou for an unforgettable night at the "Dare 2 Wear - Discover New Galaxies" party!
Editor's note: Over the past 75 years, New China has made remarkable progress that not only benefits the Chinese people but ...
伊芙被父亲的传记作者沃尔特·艾萨克森形容为 “活泼 ”和 “自信”,乔布斯被诊断出胰腺癌时,她只有六岁。据说乔布斯曾形容她是一把 “手枪”,还说她 “是我见过的孩子中意志力最坚强的一个”。
9月24日,OpenAI CEO山姆·奥特曼(Sam Altman)罕见地在其个人社交平台X上发表了一篇长文,题为《智能时代》("The Intelligence Age"),引发了超过百万次的观看。
美国最大的计算机内存芯片制造商美光科技公司(Micron Technology Inc.)公布了令人震惊的强劲销售和利润预测。得益于对人工智能设备的需求,该公司股价创下近13年来最大涨幅。
9 月 23 日,Sam 发了一篇名为 《智能时代》(The Intelligence Age[1])的文章,从远古聊到未来,写的挺长,我将中文对照翻译放在了文章最后一部分(建议大家细细阅读)。关于 AI,我之前也写过一些思考(AI 浪潮下的一些浅思 ...
神秘“暗氧”在海底深海还有多少惊喜等着我们?|图片来源:Unsplash在太平洋 4000 米以下的海底,有一片广阔平缓的深海平原(abyssal plain),叫做克拉里昂-克利珀顿断裂带(Clarion-Clipperton ...