冠脉支架已被广泛用于介入治疗,但外周血管的治疗相对滞后,尤其是在腘下动脉的治疗方面缺乏合适的支架。腘下动脉病变常为弥散性的长病变、斑块负荷重的慢性闭塞病变和钙化病变,很容易出现治疗后的再狭窄或闭塞。理想的外周支架期望能兼顾长和可生物降解两大特点,满足 ...
前有三位90后创办的Cohere估值冲向55亿美元,后有95后郭文景创办的Pika拿到4.7亿美元估值。很显然,硅谷里的AI创业潮正在影响所有人,00后Leonard Tang也是被裹挟进去的万分之一。
China's high-speed maglev vehicle has successfully completed its 2km demonstration reaching speeds of up to 1000 kilometers ...
"Maglev is always an experience!" YouTuber shares amazing experience aboard the world's fastest train: 'Amazing to be able to ...
It's simple: The Shanghai Maglev is one of the fastest passenger trains in the world. Traveling at about 270 miles per hour, this train is the adult equivalent of the theme park ride, especially ...
The company plans to have the high-speed maglev train in operation between the capital’s Shinagawa Station and Nagoya Station in 2027, with a later connection to Osaka. Nearly 90 percent of the ...
China is developing a maglev hyperloop train that can travel faster than the current generation of commercial airliners.
A blink and you will miss it test ride on the maglev Chuo Shinkansen Line offers some idea of the potential of traveling at 500 kph. Central Japan Railway Co. (JR Tokai) provided a trial run for ...
国防科技大学是一所教育部和国防部双重领导下的综合性研究型高等教育院校。1959年被确定为全国20所重点大学之一,是国务院首批批准有权授予硕、博学位的院校,是全国首批试办研究生院的22所院校之一,先后进入国家“ 211工程 ”、“ 985工程 ”、“ ...
A novel ultra high-speed maglev transportation system under development recently passed a trial run in Datong, Shanxi province. The successful demonstration test brings the train another step ...