Intel (NASDAQ:INTC) is exploring the possibility of selling its programmable chip unit Altera, as part of a broader plan to cut costs, and Marvell (NASDAQ:MRVL) has been linked as a possible buyer ...
本文引用地址: 具体而言,该计划包括与相关投资银行家合作寻求资金支持,可能会拆分晶圆代工业务部门以及出售Altera可编程芯片部门,以及大幅 ...
据路透最新报道,英特尔首席执行官Pat Gelsinger预计将在9月中旬的董事会会议上提出一项计划,包括出售公司无法继续资助的业务,例如可编程芯片部门Altera,该计划还可能包括暂停或完全停止其320亿美元的德国工厂项目。这一计划旨在削减公司的整体成本并 ...
据悉,该计划的主要内容包括出售可编程芯片部门Altera,这是Intel在2015年以167亿美元收购的业务。 Altera的出售将帮助Intel削减总体成本,因为公司已 ...
该计划将包括通过出售一些业务(如可编程芯片部门Altera)来降低总体成本的建议。由于公司利润的锐减,英特尔已经无力再为这些业务提供资金。 消息人士称,格尔辛格和其他英特尔高管预计将在9月中旬的董事会会议上提出这一计划。这也是首次有报道披露 ...
The plan will include ideas on how to shave overall costs by selling businesses, including its programmable chip unit Altera, that Intel can no longer afford to fund from the company’s once ...
Rambus PCIe 4.0 Controller is a configurable and scalable PCIe controller Soft IP designed for ASIC and FPGA implementation. The Rambus PCIe 4.0 Controller is compliant with the PCI Express ... Rambus ...
Leveraging the benefits of eUSB 3.0/3.1 Gen 1 device controller, eUSB 3.1 Gen 2 is designed using the FPGA built-in transceiver. It is a one-stop solution for all USB requirements ranging from ... The ...
Using an external MCU as a crude clock source for the Altera CPLD. (Credit: [Doug Brown]) One exciting feature of hardware development involving MCUs and FPGAs is that you all too often need ...