Early childhood tablet use was associated with emotional regulation, including more expressions of anger and frustration, by ...
Exploring the importance of emotional literacy in preschool education and its impact on children's development.
Using screen media as a calming tool to help manage young children’s emotional outbursts may be an effective short-term ...
Your 3-year-old has now officially graduated from toddler to preschooler, and this age ushers in some exciting milestones.
Children face a world brimming with choices, where every small decision is a step towards independence and ...
A recent study published in JAMA Pediatrics has found a connection between the use of tablets by young children and their ...
Young children spending more than 75 minutes on a tablet were more likely to show increased outbursts of anger and ...
Higher levels of child tablet use at 3.5 years of age were associated with increased expressions of anger/frustration by 4.5 years of age.
Since my lightbulb moment, I’ve discovered that these diagnoses don’t actually fit my experience and that the differences I have in my emotional regulation abilities are actually down to being ...
Look for reasons to be hopeful this month In the study, researchers performed a series of experiments looking at how American or Chinese people feeling awe (as opposed to other emotions) viewed ...