Photo: State Grid Puyang Power Supply Company. In today's era, rural tourism is flourishing and has become a popular choice for leisure and entertainment. The Maolou Ecotourism Ar ...
This is the moment a brainy three-year-old completed a slide number puzzle - in just 40 seconds. Video shows Xiao Ming skillfully maneuvering the blocks within the puzzle frame, which is also known as ...
Puyang, Henan province, a Chinese couple came across a hedgehog getting stuck in a plastic jar on their way home. They worked together to help remove the jar and release it into the wild. The video ...
Influenced by the peripheral cloud system and the core of Typhoon Bebinca major parts of central China Henan Province have been lashed by heavy rains ...
郭建达代表浦阳镇党委、人大、政府向全镇广大教育工作者致以节日的问候和崇高的敬意。他表示,近年来,浦阳镇党委始终把教育摆在优先发展的重要地位,主动回应群众“读好书、上好学”的新期待,以“美好教育”为目标,大力推进教育事业发展。并对浦阳教育发展提出三点希 ...
花生粉市场调研报告从过去五年的市场发展态势进行总结分析,合理的预估了花生粉市场规模增长趋势,2023年全球花生粉市场规模达17.23亿元(人民币),中国花生粉市场规模达5.68亿元。报告预测到2029年全球花生粉市场规模将达19.83亿元,2023至 ...
During the Mid-Autumn Festival, Typhoon "Bebinca" (No. 13) has significantly disrupted port activities, leading to multiple port closures and ship delays. As of September 18, ethylene glycol (MEG) ...
孔子是中国历史上一位具有划时代意义的思想家、教育家和政治家。他的思想和成就不仅对中国历史产生了深远的影响,也对世界文化的发展做出了重要贡献,值得我们加以继承和发扬。此三十六幅图,以绘画解说的方式向世人展现先师孔子的善德懿行、人文内涵及其广博深远的精神 ...
Dua Bakal Calon Wakil Gubernur Sumatera Selatan yakni Riezky Aprilia dan Cik Ujang mulai memanaskan 'mesin' politik ...