The current Chief Officer, Mr Gunning, told the Health Committee that after its role in the hospital project ends, the NPHDB will be wound up. That could leave ongoing battles remain between BAM and ...
New levels of weird and creepy, as Derrick Anderson poses with "the wife and children of a longtime friend" as captioned by ...
How much are smartphones harming children and what should we do about it? BBC InDepth hosts a debate between a campaigner and an academic.
Apparently, moms who are worried about their kids’ social abilities have found a workaround to help them. Taking to Facebook, these helicopter parents are trying to set up playdates for their adult ...
If you don't pursue this because you are afraid, then you may as well still be in the marriage feeling unhappy and powerless. This is the time to stand up for yourself and claim what you are entitled ...
Since 70% of the U.S. is not regularly connected to a church, many times the children in the Bible2School program are hearing ...
Now, Republican officials from 21 states have accused the medical group of violating state consumer protection laws by ...
The month of October is just days away and that means your next Social Security check should be hitting your bank account ...
A general rule of thumb is that a national poll with 800 to 1,000 respondents provides a decent level of confidence that the ...