Vietnam's President To Lam pledged to expand the country's semiconductors and AI industry in meetings with top U.S.
There’s a story about six blind men who heard of a strange animal called an elephant that was brought into town. Out of curiosity, they asked their able-bodied friends for help to bring them to the ...
A property expansion project and a new rental community led the 34 commercial building permits issued last week by the City ...
Larsen & Toubro (L&T) has acquired a 12.25% stake in the Indian Foundation for Quality Management (IFQM) by purchasing 12.5 ...
各生产单位组织质量文化宣讲567次,质量标准讲解480次。各单位结合实际以《质量免费》《TQM全面质量管理》作为主读书籍开展“共读一本书”活动,开设读书分享会,在经验分享和意见探讨的 ...
·聚焦:人工智能、芯片等行业欢迎各位客官关注、转发前言:随着科技的不断进步和人们生活水平的提高,消费生活用品的电动化和智能化已经成为一个不可逆转的趋势,并且为投资者提供了一个确定的投资机会。电动化和智能化的消费生活用品将变得更加互联互通,形成一个完整 ...
Thailand shares fell Wednesday, with the all-company Thailand SET Index Thailand SET Index declining 1.0% to 1,413.15. Supported by world-class markets data from Dow Jones and FactSet, and partnering ...
Evincepub Publishing is thrilled to announce the release of "The MASTER of Your KPIs" by renowned expert Pankaj Lochan, a ...
回溯赤溪、下岐两个村三四十年的发展史,正是得益于党和政府的巨大推力,才发生了翻天覆地的变化。赤溪村在不同年代修建的3条公路,见证了小山村的沧海桑田;路通之后,又发挥生态优势,大力发展白茶、旅游等产业,过上好日子。下岐村通过实施造福搬迁、上岸定居工程, ...
盘点一只暖心小奶猫的离奇剧场 ...
第四届上海杯象棋大师公开赛昨天下午在嘉定南翔落下帷幕。在最受关注的专业组比赛中,吕钦和王琳娜分获男子元老组和专业女子组冠军。随后在“青蓝对弈”环节,吕钦与王琳娜上演了一场辈分与性别大战。最终,王琳娜先手战胜吕钦。本届“上海杯”赛制创新,首次设立男子元老组比赛,邀请吕钦、于幼华、陶汉明、徐天红四位特级 ...