法哈德莫哈末博士(中)为妻女的成就感到骄傲,左为贾瓦赫法哈德,右为茉妮拉霍穆德。(吉隆坡25日讯)一对来自沙地阿拉伯的母女在UCSI大学第37届毕业典礼上同时毕业,并获相同学位,成为全场焦点。茉妮拉霍穆德和女儿贾瓦赫法哈德在UCSI大学取得国际礼待管 ...
The CANDO team visited – Dunde project sites in Munda, hosted by the United Church, and Noro SSEC Church project site in ...
After a long day of meetings and workshops, I was absolutely grateful for their commitment to this standard operating ...
Purdue University is partnering with several of Malaysia’s educational institutions to develop new online programs in artificial intelligence and data science.
Malaysia's centuries-old famous Chinatown in Kuala Lumpur has also undergone some demographic changes. In recent years, it ...
INTERACTIVE hands-on activities and regular exposure to successful scientists are key if Malaysia is to increase uptake of ...
University Malaya, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Universiti Kuala ...
The Malaysian economy may feel the “heat” if the United States enters a recession next year, assuming more interest rate cuts ...
我国种族走向两极化看来越来越明显,占人口近70%的马来族群与土著,与占人口约23%的华裔,在许多课题上被政治人物操弄,政客们的粗暴手段是否会因此如鱼得水还是阴沟里翻船,值得探索。团结政府内负责伊斯兰教事务的首相署部长莫哈末纳因9月5日指伊斯兰发展局( ...