9月23日,山东省作协第七批签约作家签约仪式在泰安市举行。30名中青年作家成为省作协新一批签约作家。至此,山东省作协签约作家人数达到101名,152人次。省新闻出版局、省版权局副局长刘金祥,省委宣传部文艺处负责同志,省作协主席团成员、各部室单位负责同 ...
The U.S. Navy’s Virginia-class submarine program is $17 billion over budget, and with only two new subs projected per year, ...
The city’s ex-COVID czar got the boot from his job at a pharmaceutical firm Monday — a week after he was caught bragging about hosting sex parties and attending an underground rave at the ...
The PM says he won't offer "easy answers" as he sets out plan for "national renewal" in big conference speech.
Shared housing/ улам бүр түгээмэл болж байна. Тэгвэл ийм байрыг хайхдаа ямар гол хүчин зүйлсийг анхаарах ёстой болон танд ирж ...
Provincial president of J&K National Conference (JKNC), Rattan Lal Gupta has strongly condemned the recent statement of BJP ...
Senior NC leader and joint candidate of NC-Congress alliance from Jammu North Assembly seat, Ajay Kumar Sadhotra here today conducted door-to-door campaign in Muthi, Roop Nagar and Janipur areas.