【9 月 23 日,俄罗斯国家航天集团发布消息称】“联盟 MS-25”载人飞船搭载 3 名宇航员从国际空间站返回地球。莫斯科时间 23 日 14 时 59 分在哈萨克斯坦杰兹卡兹甘市附近着陆。
Sometimes, he is served dinner at 8 and other times, he is full from having devoured too many souls in the late afternoon.
Teresa Langella e Andrea Dal Corso, noti per il loro amore nato nel programma Uomini e Donne, sono stati ospiti di Verissimo per condividere l'esperienza del loro matrimonio a Sorrento del 14 settembr ...
As of 02:41PM EDT. Market open. IRTC's Zio ECG monitoring system gets approval in Japan, marking a significant step in revolutionizing arrhythmia diagnostics with AI-powered technology.
Rhythm Technologies announced that it received approval in Japan for its Zio long-term continuous monitoring (LTCM) system.
《凡人歌》新剧如一面镜子,反映了我们每个人的日常生活和非凡挑战。 沈琳,曾是公司营销总监、职场女强人,后为家庭回归全职妈妈身份。 五年时间匆匆流逝,丈夫遭遇职业挫折,家庭经济压力增大。沈琳欲重返职场,却发现环境已非从前。
The Japanese Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Agency (PMDA) has approved iRhythm Technologies’ Zio ECG monitoring system, an ...
Rhythm Technologies IRTC recently announced initial research findings on the post-market, real-world performance of the Zio ...
Rhythm’s next-generation Zio® monitor demonstrated longer wear duration and analyzable time compared to the prior generation ...
Giacomo Bozzoli, un detenuto di 40 anni nel penitenziario di Bollate, condannato all'ergastolo per l'omicidio dello zio, si ...
Like a phoenix from the ashes, Zio’s in Moncton is soaring once again. After a two-year absence, the popular pizza parlour re ...