Oppein was founded in Guangzhou in 1994, starting with custom-made kitchen cabinets. In an age where handmade cabinets were a ...
Autonomous taxis glide effortlessly through the streets, and autonomous trucks deliver materials to factories... Scenes once ...
Shanghai Suhewan MIXC World will unveil the third season of its Urban Public Art Festival on September 28, transforming Suzhou Creek into a vibrant art hub. Under the theme "Flowing," the festival fea ...
Fang Shizhong, director of the Shanghai Media Group, called on global media peers to strengthen cooperation and mutual trust ...
Thanks to his mother's wisdom, Mohamed embarked on his journey of learning Chinese. Mohamed graduated from Ain Shams University in Egypt with a degree in Chinese in September 2019, and then pursued ...
CHENGDU, 25 sep (Xinhua) -- Dos pandas gigantes serán enviados este jueves desde la parte continental de China a Hong Kong, ...
就在A股强势收复3000点的当天,9月26日,积存金价格也站上了600元/克的历史高位。国庆前的投资市场,在本周二开启货币工具箱后,迎来了一片高歌猛进的“中国红”。 牛市回归,普通投资者该如何入局,共享市场红利? 此时,指数基金因其稳健性和广泛覆盖性 ...
形容“天气热”的地道英语口语表达: 1. It's scorching! 2. The heat is unbearable! 3. It's sweltering outside! 4. The temperature is soaring! 5.
The viewing period of red maple leaves in the mountain will continue through October 31, and the best time is during the ...
Fan Di'an, chairman of China Artists Association, highlighted that games are a global cultural phenomenon, crucial in shaping ...
“kiss of death”究竟是什么意思? 形象的说它就是指“死神之吻”, 实际上指 乍看有益但却会导致毁灭的行为。 英文释义: This phrase has biblical ties and was popularized through several different mediums like literature, theater, and film. It had a ...