Oppein was founded in Guangzhou in 1994, starting with custom-made kitchen cabinets. In an age where handmade cabinets were a ...
他此前联合创办的图森未来(TuSimple)一度是自动驾驶领域最炙手可热的公司之一,曾成为自动驾驶全球第一股。后来公司经历风波,侯晓迪再次创业。此前这家名为Bot Auto的新公司一直在“隐形启动”阶段(Stealth ...
Shanghai Suhewan MIXC World will unveil the third season of its Urban Public Art Festival on September 28, transforming Suzhou Creek into a vibrant art hub. Under the theme "Flowing," the festival fea ...
Fang Shizhong, director of the Shanghai Media Group, called on global media peers to strengthen cooperation and mutual trust ...
近日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平给普洱民族团结誓词碑盟誓代表后代回信,对他们予以亲切勉励并提出殷切希望。 Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Milit ...
“kiss of death”究竟是什么意思? 形象的说它就是指“死神之吻”, 实际上指 乍看有益但却会导致毁灭的行为。 英文释义: This phrase has biblical ties and was popularized through several different mediums like literature, theater, and film. It had a ...
现在,赵长鹏将拥有更多选择,他带着约600亿美元的个人财富(全球第25大富豪)重返社会,而他的法律麻烦也已成为过去。赵长鹏并未立即回应关于其未来计划的直接询问,而他的律师告诉《财富》杂志,他不希望在出狱当天接受采访。尽管如此,仍可以根据已知信息推测他 ...
Thanks to his mother's wisdom, Mohamed embarked on his journey of learning Chinese. Mohamed graduated from Ain Shams University in Egypt with a degree in Chinese in September 2019, and then pursued ...
Fan Di'an, chairman of China Artists Association, highlighted that games are a global cultural phenomenon, crucial in shaping ...
Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell noted that although around 100,000 new jobs are being added each month, the large influx ...
【导读】肥胖是一项具有重要临床意义的全球健康挑战。尽管其重要性得到认可,但归因于高体重指数(BMI)的全球疾病负担,仍然不太清楚。2024年9月24日, 温州医科大学附属第一医院郑明华团队在期刊《eClinicalMedicine》上发表了题为“Bu ...