The work that began with EarPods continues to pay off as Apple prepares to ship the noise-canceling AirPods 4.
AirPods 4(ANC)的降噪效果出乎意料的好,虽然在不播放音乐的情况下,还是可以明显感觉到从缝隙里“漏”进来的噪音,但是响度明显下降了80%左右,能够明显感觉到中远处的噪音被大幅度削减,只有近处的噪音仍然有着一定存在感。
(爱云资讯消息) 苹果即将推出新款AirPods,名为AirPods 4,其外形经过改进,苹果称其为有史以来最舒适的AirPods。新款产品保留了开放式设计,在音频质量方面实现了显著提升,并支持个性化的空间音频功能。
承袭AirPods Pro的经典设计并进一步优化,AirPods 4的耳机体积极致缩小,同时充电盒也实现了10%的体积缩减,极大增强了便携性。此外,传感器技术的更新使得AirPods ...
To a publication, Apple executives explained the magic behind AirPods 4 ANC feature that works without ear tips.
实际上,入耳式设计可以通过更好的密封性来提升降噪效果,而半入耳式耳机则因为耳道的开放性,在噪声隔离效果上较弱。因此,苹果一直将主动降噪功能留给本身拥有入耳式设计的AirPods Pro系列,而没有考虑在AirPods系列上采用。
There's no feeling quite like the anticipation of a new tech product that promises to do something pretty wildly different, ...
For the first time ever, the entry-level AirPods have active noise cancellation (ANC). Apple unveiled the new AirPods 4 on ...
9月21日,苹果硬件工程副总裁凯特·伯杰龙接受了科技媒体的采访,谈及了AirPods4耳机的开发历程和幕后花絮。在采访中,她透露了AirPods4的设计理念以及其中的创新之处。根据报道,AirPods4的设计被称为“Snorkel”, ...
Apple AirPods 4 With ANC offer up underwhelming ANC against high-end noise, uncomfortable fit, and poor battery life among a couple other things. Apple released two new AirPods for the first time at ...
苹果公司正酝酿在其广受欢迎的AirPods产品线中推出一款全新力作——AirPods Pro 3。 这款备受期待的新耳机预计将在苹果9月10日的特别活动中首次亮相,届时将为全球消费者带来前所未有的主动降噪体验。
苹果发布新版(常规)AirPods的消息被宣布通过简单的软件更新为AirPods Pro 2带来助听器功能的消息所掩盖。然而,新款带ANC(主动降噪)的AirPods 4对整个行业来说是一个重大突破,因为行业一直在努力将松散佩戴形式(现在也称为开放耳 ...