Sunday (Sept 15) high temperatures should reach near-80 for most NJ locations. Skies should be mostly sunny, after another ...
This level is free of local wind and topographic effects (such as sea breezes, downslope winds etc). Some charts show geopotential height, which approximates the actual height of a pressure surface ...
Heat waves are generally thought to occur in hot, lowland regions—but what happens when extreme heat strikes the frigid, high ...
In the summer of 2022, heatwave quietly occurred over the Tibetan Plateau. Scientists are trying to understand and predict ...
位势高度(英语:geopotential height)是气象学中使用的一种假想高度,指与大气中某一点的重力位势(单位质量的空气相对于平均海平面的势能)成正比的高度,单位为位势米。与几何高度相比,位势高度不需再考虑重力随纬度与高度的变化。气象学中通常使用的 ...
Dalal and colleagues used large-scale variables like outgoing longwave radiation (OLR), cloud cover, geopotential height and wind to see how different climate modes such as ENSO, Pacific Decadal ...