Muscadines may be the folksy American of the grape world, but they have many qualities like disease resistance and unique ...
While table grapes (grown for eating, not production) are grown in greenhouses all around the world to maintain a constant ...
With support from a $7 million grant, grape breeders in Arkansas are working to create a hybrid from two grape species ...
With support from a $7 million grant, grape breeders in Arkansas are working to create a hybrid from two grape species ...
Muscadines may be the folksy American of the grape world, but they have many qualities like disease resistance and unique flavors that are desired in the more popular Vitis vinifera (bunch grapes ...
Almost all of Albert Seibel's hybrid grapes were descended from only four parent grapes: two European grapes (Vitis vinifera), Aramon and Alicante Bouschet; one wild American grape, Jaeger 70 (Vitis ...
Cotton Candy grapes taste exactly the way they sound. Here's how horticulturalists created novelty grapes to give them such a ...
The USDA-NIFA grant will support a 32-person research team at 12 institutions co-directed by Renee Threlfall and Margaret Worthington of the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station.
“​​With a nice dry fall, the grapes stay dry, the grapes don't break down, it's a lot easier just to go in with the machine and pick them,” he said. The NOTL grape harvest normally continues into late ...
While the wine industry in many parts of the state are turning their grapes into wine, the native variety Concord, produces lovely aromatic fruit that is amazing when it does ...