At the most basic level, polymers can be classified into homopolymers, which consist of long chains of the same monomer, and copolymers, which include more than one monomer type. Polymerization can ...
This designation system is applicable to all polyamide homopolymers, copolymers, and blends. It applies to both unmodified materials ready for normal use and materials that have been modified, for ...
Tools are needed to overcome specific limitations such as short read lengths, uneven confidence throughout reads and poor performance with homopolymers. If the choice of next-generation sequencing ...
However, one major drawback to the pyrosequencing approach is incomplete extension through homopolymers, or simple repeats of the same nucleotide (e.g., AAAAAAA). Each read is only about 100 base ...
Structural biochemistry/neurobiology; ultrastructural neuropathology of and adhesive mechanisms in CNS and PNS myelins; remyelination; spinal cord injury. Our current ...