EyeBio’s main asset is Restoret, an intravitreally delivered trispecific antibody that acts as an agonist of the Wnt signalling pathway and is in the phase 1b/2a AMARONE study in DME and ...
Amgen’s Pavblu (aflibercept-ayyh) is the fifth biosimilar referencing Eylea (aflibercept) to be approved for American ...
*Syndromes include WNF, West Nile meningitis, West Nile encephalitis and WNP. ‡ Overall, WNND represents 1% of human WNV infections. § WNP may occur in the context of any other manifestation of ...
Nanomedicine. 2009;4(6):599-604. This editorial aims to demonstrate that the eye is an excellent organ to consider for nanomedicine. It discusses two major causes of blindness and describes ocular ...
Currently, retinal gene therapies are primarily injected into the subretinal space. Subretinal delivery can be technically challenging. In the future, delivering gene therapy intravitreally or into ...