McGovern was recognized at an event titled “Thank You, Jim McGovern: A Gratitude Event,” held at Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church in Hadley on Saturday afternoon and hosted by the Regional Tibetan ...
A federal Congressman has come out in support of a ballot question that would end the graduation requirement of the MCAS ...
The stopgap farm bill is set to expire next week — and the congressional coalition that the massive legislation has relied on ...
据《华尔街日报》报导,一组美国国会议员表示,加拿大和墨西哥应采取更有力的措施阻止进口使用中国强迫劳动制造的商品,并认为进口商可能试图利用这两个国家将非法商品运往美国本土的风险。一个由两党议员组成的团体在一封致美国、加拿大和墨西哥贸易官员的信中说,这两 ...
WORCESTER — U.S. Rep. James P. McGovern of Worcester has officially endorsed a yes vote on a ballot question that would end ...
With just under a month until the project comes before voters at a special Town Meeting, residents got a chance to offer ...
美国国会众议院荣誉议长南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)对美国之音表示,她从以前就对中国政府是否会遵守对香港的承诺持怀疑态度,现在事实证明他们没有履行承诺。“我们对中共在压制中国和香港人权感到失望,”这位重量级资深民主党联邦众议员说。
Poor, poor, pitiful me.” The words of the Linda Ronstadt song echo every time I hear Rep. Jim McGovern bemoan the fact that ...
Veterans were honored for their service on Saturday at Cushman Park with a re-dedication ceremony. The Veterans Memorial in ...