Construction of a new project consisting of power generation facilities commenced on Saturday in northwest China's Xinjiang ...
Designed as a "lightweight riverside living destination," the New Bund Red Lane seamlessly connects to a multi-level ...
The U.S. State Department has approved a sale of $228 million in arms to Taiwan, including aircraft parts and equipment ...
Developing a strong passenger vehicle business has been a strategic focus for JAC Group since the tenure of Mr. Zuo Yan’an.
风铃绿地及景观亭的重建修复为孩童开辟了一片崭新的游乐天地。苏州河曾是列强建立工厂、运送资本和廉价劳动力的黄金水道,为了纪念苏州河的这段历史,BAU在儿童游乐场的设计选材中,将废弃货船上的救生艇、系船柱以及部分船壳加工定制成游乐设施,打造出一个集历史教 ...
Autonomous taxis glide effortlessly through the streets, and autonomous trucks deliver materials to factories... Scenes once ...
Batman and Me
Darren Maxwell began obsessively collecting Batman memorabilia in the late 1980s to be a part of geek culture. Decades later, he wants to let go of his obsession, but is unable to.
Follow us Swipe for Chinese versionRecently, several international students fromEastern China Normal University followed an ...
During the period, foreign direct investment (FDI) in the Chinese mainland, in actual use, totaled 580.2 billion yuan (about ...
我是武昌理工学院的兄弟院校--澳门城市大学的校长,非常感谢赵校长的盛情邀请,能够来到这里我感到非常高兴。今天,在这个具有历史意义的时刻——新生开学典礼上,站在你们面前讲话对我来说是莫大的荣幸。今天不仅是你们学术旅程的开始,也是你们人生中一个具有转折意 ...
Subway is the preferred mode of transportation for many people. Have you ever wondered how such a vast underground network is ...
Part 1 由任嘉伦、李兰迪、徐正溪领衔主演的古装情感剧《流水迢迢》,真的美到我了。网友评论:让人眼前一亮又一亮。 任嘉伦饰演的卫召,演技和颜值一直在线,始终吸引着观众的眼球。 卫召武力值超赞,还顶着一张大椋第一美男子的脸,这谁受得了啊!