The attacks on Hezbollah in Lebanon are likely to generate greater momentum for moving factory production closer to home.
The opportunity to go as far as you can as fast as you can was, to many, more alluring than a 9-5 office job full of boring busy work, Peter Orszag says.
Lazard's CEO said junior bankers are willing to work long hours for the privilege of participating in high-profile deals.
Speaking on The David Rubenstein Show on Bloomberg, Lazard boss Peter Orszag was asked why junior bankers work 80-hour weeks.
Viele junge Wall-Street-Banker verlangen nach interessanten Aufgaben und sind bereit, dafür lange Arbeitszeiten in Kauf zu ...
Orszag, a Democrat party kingmaker and donor, said fresh-faced financiers enjoy the buzz of “working on important things” ...
在华尔街努力管理年轻职员的工作负载量时,Lazard Inc.首席执行官Peter Orszag表示,许多年轻的华尔街银行家渴望有趣的工作,而且他们愿意长时间工作。 在回答为什么初级银行家能忍受一周工作80到90小时工作时,Orszag在接受采访时称,在华尔街,能够促成交易达成是令人振奋的机会,它让一切努力变得值得。
PETER ORSZAG is CEO of Lazard. He was Director of the Office of Management and Budget from 2009 to 2010 and Director of the Congressional Budget Office from 2007 to 2008.
Peter Orszag was instrumental in crafting the Affordable Care Act. Now, he wants federal antitrust authorities to ease up on their sharp scrutiny of health care transactions that he acknowledges ...
EUR/JPY: chart EUR/JPY bounced from the 154.00 – 155.00 area and started moving upward. The pair might continue to target the Fibonacci Retracement levels where traders will ...
Lazard CEO Peter Orszag joins 'Squawk Box' to discuss the latest market trends, state of the economy, the Fed's rate path outlook, state of the 2024 election, impact on the antitrust and ...
As the risk of severe climate change rises, and efforts to reduce carbon emissions ramp up, serious thought must also be given to the movement of people that climate change stands to provoke. This ...