Sounds are presented to one ear while the patient's head or eyes are held in a certain orientation. Computerized Dynamic Posturography Platform Testing The posturography examination requires patients ...
Objective Vertigo, dizziness and visual problems are among the main symptoms of a prolong course after concussion. Adequate diagnostic tools are rare. The computerized sensory organization test (SOT) ...
The balance and fall risk assessment service at the Unified Clinics provides a computerized posturography (CP), cognitive assessment, and a series of fall risk tests. The assessment takes a little ...
Efficacy was assessed by the Dizziness Assessment Rating Scale (DARS), Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI) and static posturography. The safety evaluation included monitoring of adverse events ...
Manual and cognitive dual-tasks contribute to Fall-Risk differentiation in posturography measures. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 2016; 32(3): 541-547 Rodrigues C, Jackson K, Barrios J, Laubach L, ...