2017年,如今的乐队鼓手吉田雄介正式加入,tricot开始着手准备他们的第三张专辑《3》。同年5 月 17 日新专辑专辑《3》正式发行,再次在 Oricon 排行榜上拿下第 20 位的成绩。
(Liu Yuxi of Tang Dynasty)(A reply to Bai Juyi's poem of Narrating the Oldness and please advise) The smoke rises from the chimneys again. Please don’t say that the sun is falling down to the points ...
本文作者:小星仔、云也关于肥胖和癌症,最新的一项 1500 万中国人群的研究,告诉了我们一个惊人的事实: 中国人患癌,接近一半与肥胖有关。并且,这类癌症在 20 出头年轻人中的发病风险,不仅比 60 岁的人高,而且是 25 ...
"I never thought I'd become so fascinated with my hometown's traditional opera because of a game," said Bai Kai, a young man ...