想经常看到有深度有温度的好文章?请点击上方“蓝字”关注香港奇点财经9月28日报道。周五(9月27日),爱尔兰数据保护委员会(DPC)宣布,对Meta ...
We recently compiled a list of the 8 Best Marine Shipping Stocks to Invest In. In this article, we are going to take a look ...
根据英国造船和航运市场分析机构克拉克森的数据显示,2024年上半年全球新船订单量为1127艘,28,094,427修正总吨(CGT)。分船型来看,液化气船142艘,7,972,723 CGT;散货船206艘,4,362,246 ...
近日,浙江杭州一则有关天降烟头掉到孩子床上床单被烧焦的消息引发网友的关注孩子妈妈李女士称自己去厨房回来发现孩子腿边有一个烟头险些把被子点燃从现场的痕迹来看推测烟头很可能是被扔到飘窗上再弹到床上的9月26日浙江省杭州市余杭区良渚街道办事处就此事发布情况 ...
中新网宁夏中宁9月27日电 (记者 于晶)9月27日,宁夏中卫市中宁县宁安镇新建村的酱椒地里一垄垄辣椒植株长势茂盛,在翠绿的枝叶间,鲜红辣椒构成了一幅丰收的美丽画卷。 工作人员正在采收辣椒。中宁县委宣传部供图 ...
Space Flight Laboratory (SFL) is one of five organizations honored as team recipients of the 2024 Alouette Award for the ...
SFL Corporation’s Q2’24 results well above muted consensus expectations and declared unchanged quarterly cash dividend of $0.27. Find out why SFL stock is a Buy.
Check the time stamp on this data. Updated AI-Generated Signals for Sfl Corporation Ltd (SFL) available here: SFL.
On Wednesday, the John Fredriksen-backed shipowner issued a new NOK 750m ($69m) five-year senior unsecured bond. The New York ...
SFL Corporation Ltd. (NYSE: SFL) (the Company or SFL) today successfully placed NOK 750 million senior unsecured bonds due September 25, 2029. The bonds will pay a quarterly coupon of the 3 month ...