In recent decades, physicians have diagnosed fictional and non-fictional characters through portraits, biographies and ...
Correspondence to Dr. Lauren MacIvor Thompson, College of Law, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA 30302, USA; lmacivor1{at} The medical intervention of ‘twilight sleep’, or the use of a ...
This paper examines the topic of physician burn-out from a philosophical lens. We explore the question of how the rise of physician burn-out may be related to an underlying erosion of meaning in ...
Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry, Peninsula Medical School, Universities of Exeter and Plymouth, Truro, UK Dr R Marshall, Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry, Knowledge Spa, Royal ...
Data sharing not applicable as no datasets generated and/or analysed for this study. This is an open access article ...
Workplace suicide can have significant knock-on effects within an organisation, yet research has shown within the healthcare profession, not all staff receive suicide prevention training, and few ...
Correspondence to Dr Shahaduz Zaman, Brighton and Sussex Medical School, Medical School Teaching Building, University of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9PX, UK; s.zaman{at} Compassion is an emotional ...
Objective To determine the effectiveness of interactive theatre as a knowledge translation and exchange (KTE) method to educate assisted human reproduction (AHR) service providers about lesbian, gay, ...
The essay outlines the ways in which narrative approaches to COVID-19 can draw on imaginative literature and critical oral history to resist the ‘closure’ often offered by cultural representations of ...
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