South Africa’s abundant renewable energy resources, strategic maritime location, and comprehensive port system position it to ...
The broad-based slowdown in growth rates has profound implications for the world’s ability to tackle the growing array of ...
Teach Primary (Teach) is a classroom observation tool developed by the World Bank that has been used in over 30 middle income countries across the world. It captures the quality of teaching practices ...
This study aims to further address gaps in research related to commercial financing challenges in Local Currency Financing ...
The Country Partnership Framework (CPF) lays out the priorities for the World Bank Group’s (WBG’s) engagement to support ...
This paper provides novel evidence of the trade-offs policy makers face when designing simplified tax regimes for small ...
Yet, capital incentive policies present in every OECD country are still targeted towards investments in informational ...
Despite the reduction in transport costs over the past few decades, creating a single integrated economy remains elusive. Low ...
It supports countries in addressing the implications of the demographic process through analytical work, technical advice, ...
This study expands the inventory of green job titles by incorporating a global perspective and using contemporary sources. It ...
The virus that triggered a localized shock in China is now delivering a significant global shock. This study simulates the potential impact of COVID-19 on gross domestic product and trade, using a ...
Well-designed, high integrity carbon markets can play a pivotal role in financing climate action in developing countries. However, several critical bottlenecks impede the growth of these markets. The ...