Hildegarde Flanner, born in Indianapolis, Indiana, on June 3, 1899, was a playwright, poet, and essayist. Her poetry collections include At the Gentle Mercy of Plants: Essays and Poems (John Daniel & ...
Reading the Poem: Silently read the poem “ The Lonely Street ” by William Carlos Williams. What do you notice about the poem?
If you’re a teen looking to learn more about the art of reading or writing poetry, we’ve gathered a selection of poems, essays, recommended reading lists, must-have anthologies, interviews, and advice ...
Haleh Liza Gafori is an Iranian American translator, poet, performance artist, and composer born in New York City. Her book ...
Exquisite Corpse is a collaborative poetry game that traces its roots to the Parisian Surrealist movement. Exquisite Corpse is played by several people, each of whom writes a word on a sheet of paper, ...
Write about a radish Too many people write about the moon. The night is black The stars are small and high The clock unwinds its ever-ticking tune Hills gleam dimly Distant nighthawks cry. A radish ...
The teacher asks a question. You know the answer, you suspect you are the only one in the classroom who knows the answer, because the person in question is yourself, and on that you are the greatest ...
Julia Alvarez was born in New York City, and was raised between the Dominican Republic and New York. A poet, novelist, activist, and essayist, Alvarez holds a BA from Middlebury College and an MFA ...
And all that remains for me is to follow a violet darkness on soil where myths splinter and crack. Yes, love was time, and it too splintered and cracked like the face of our country.
James Berry was born in Jamaica in 1924. He grew up in Jamaica and at the age of seventeen went to work in America and eventually settled in England, where he would spend the rest of his life. Berry ...
In 1939, T. S. Eliot published Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats through the publishing house Faber and Faber, where he served as an editor. The book of light verse was the basis of Andrew Lloyd ...
Some things are better off unnamed? I can’t help but reason with your ash. Names become the first steppings into ruin, yes? Name a thing, and you’ve marked it for the end, of Imagination? And unless ...