20th session of the Group of Experts on Cleaner Electricity Systems (16-17 September) 11th session of the Group of Experts on Renewable Energy (16-17 September) 11th session of the Group of Experts on ...
Human resources, organizational frameworks and cultural change are at the very core of the modernization of national statistical organizations. We facilitate the sharing of good practices and ...
UNECE supports countries in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) thanks to its role as a platform for governments to cooperate and engage with all ...
Climate change is at the top of UN priorities and has become a challenge for many organizations and fora dealing with climate change mitigation and adaptation. There is also common understanding for ...
TRANS/WP.29/1045 - Special Resolution No. 1 concerning the common definitions of vehicle categories, masses and dimensions (S.R.1) ...
The Expert Group meets annually at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, normally in April/May. The Bureau comprises a Chair and several Vice Chairs, representing the stakeholders in the EGRM. The Bureau ...
Environmental Policy Conventions and Protocols Introduction: Aarhus Convention and Protocol on PRTRs Aarhus Convention ...
The UNECE Statistical Division provides the Secretariat to the joint work of the CES members. The efforts made over the years to examine and improve official statistics have developed this ...
UNECE supports countries in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) thanks to its: role as a platform for governments to cooperate and engage with all ...
Trade Programme Trade Facilitation and E-business - UN/CEFACT COVID-19 Response About us ...
Sustainable resource management is about responsibly balancing the use of natural resources to meet current needs while preserving them for future generations. The United Nations Framework ...
Informed decision-making requires integrated, relevant, timely and easy accessible information and its appropriate assessment. To achieve this, adequate monitoring programmes, data and information ...