Wilder Penfield, a pioneering brain surgeon, mapped the motor cortex using mild electric current. Wilder Penfield took the next exploratory voyage into the brain starting in the 1940s. While operating ...
Then, ask students to brainstorm other science fiction movies or TV programs that deal with travel in space. What characteristics do they share with Blake's 7? What problems with space travel have ...
The Caring for Your Parents Vodcast is an eight-part interview with caregiving experts Hugh Delehanty and Elinor Ginzler. Each episode is approximately four minutes long. You can subscribe to the ...
German envoys arrive at Versailles for peace treaty ceremony, 1919 World War I left Germany in a complicated and difficult situation that produced conditions Adolf Hitler could exploit, but Germany's ...
“They arrested people simply because they were born Jewish—That French people should do that is still beyond me, even 60 years later.” – Michel Muller Jews from France who were non-French citizens ...
The Nazis did not start World War II with a plan to eliminate the Jews. This solution evolved—especially from 1939 to 1941—as they tried different techniques to accomplish their goals. Particularly in ...
In March 1944 German troops marched into Budapest. Although Hungary was allied to the Nazis, Hitler considered the country an unreliable partner, especially when they refused to deport some 760,000 ...
"I would never have thought that such a storm would rise from Rome over one simple scrap of paper..." (Martin Luther) Few if any men have changed the course of history like Martin Luther. In less than ...
Robyn Muncy is the Associate Professor of U.S. History and Women’s History at the University of Maryland, College Park. She is the author of Creating a Female Dominion in American Reform 1890-1935; ...
Experienced caretakers and eldercare professionals know that a crisis is the hardest time to learn about the complex world of eldercare. Yet most people put off thinking about these difficult issues ...
OK. So we have a signal that is sent to a radiosmitter's antenna. How does that signal get from the antenna to the air? Let's first take a look at the signal. The signal is an electic current, and ...
John Bardeen had met William Shockley when they were both in school in Massachusetts. In 1945, when World War 2 ended, Shockley was put in charge of a new research group at Bell Labs and he wanted ...