Sources of Wisdom resources – AQA Catholic Christianity These resources have been designed to complement the Catholic Christianity component of the AQA GCSE Religious Studies B specification. Download ...
Bible studies barely exist in China because there’s nobody to lead them. Will you train a group leader today? The Bible reveals God’s heart for you, and the more you study it, the more your heart ...
1“Pan fyddwch chi’n mynd i ryfel yn erbyn eich gelynion, ac yn gweld eu holl geffylau a’u cerbydau, a bod ganddyn nhw lawer mwy o filwyr na chi, peidiwch bod ag ofn. Mae’r ARGLWYDD Dduw, wnaeth eich ...
The Just lyfe stream promotes a life of compassion, extended to every sphere of life, motivated and empowered by the love of God. Do you long for a more simple life? How can we resist the pull of ...