Yesterday, the Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, made a remarkable statement during a fundraiser on Wall Street. She finally confirms her intention to promote the growth of digital ...
The recent interest rate cut by the FED has propelled gold and Bitcoin to historic highs. With gold surpassing $2,629 an ounce and Bitcoin reaching over $64,000, the question remains: which of these ...
Hier, la vice-présidente des États-Unis, Kamala Harris, a fait une déclaration remarquable lors d’une levée de fonds à Wall Street. Elle confirme enfin son intention de favoriser l’essor des ...
La récente réduction des taux d’intérêt par la FED a propulsé l’or et le Bitcoin à des sommets historiques. Alors que l’or dépasse les 2 629 $ l’once et que le Bitcoin atteint plus de 64 000 $, la ...
The world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Decentralized Physical Infrastructures (DePIN) is experiencing exponential growth, attracting massive investments worldwide. Companies and governments ...
Après une période d’instabilité, la crypto de Shiba Inu a finalement regagné du terrain, affichant une hausse impressionnante de 9 % en une semaine. Les amateurs de SHIB jubilent, d’autant plus que le ...
As the market experiences a volatile period, XRP, Bonk, and Dogecoin remain in the spotlight for various reasons. XRP, following its partial victory against the SEC, rekindles hopes among investors, ...
Mientras que el mercado atraviesa un período volátil, el XRP, el Bonk y el Dogecoin están en el centro de atención por diversas razones. El XRP, tras su victoria parcial frente a la SEC, despierta un ...
The crypto market is currently experiencing a period of strong growth, particularly thanks to the impressive performances of the FET and TAO tokens. These two cryptocurrencies have recently recorded ...
Bitcoin atraviesa una fase de intensa volatilidad. Mientras su precio coquetea con niveles históricos, una pregunta inquieta las mentes de los inversores: ¿las tomas de ganancias recurrentes realmente ...
After a period of calm, SOL crypto is back in force, now trading at $146 per piece, with an impressive increase of 12% in just one week. Other crypto market indicators follow the same positive trend, ...
The state of Louisiana becomes a pioneer in the United States by officially accepting Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies for public service payments. This initiative, aimed at offering more ...