In CSE's response to Ofgem’s Standing charges consultation, we call for substantial reforms to tackle energy affordability ...
A report on the creation of a compliance scheme for the domestic flexibility sector, and recommendations for the scheme’s characteristics, aims and objectives. The overall aim is to establish best ...
The focus of this role is to provide senior administrative support to Household Energy Services projects to ensure back-office functions are efficient and timely. You will work across our fuel poverty ...
Uncovering what helps and hinders low-income households in the energy transition, and how government retrofit schemes can make a difference. Sky-high fuel bills continue to plague UK households, with ...
The introduction of means testing for Winter Fuel Payments and potential scrapping of the Household Support Fund have significant implications for vulnerable households across the UK. Here at the ...
Tahlia’s time as a student at CSE’s Bright Green Future programme has made her more aware of local environmental challenges. Tahlia’s experience with Bright Green Future (BGF) opened her eyes to the ...
The Centre for Sustainable Energy is involved in the UK-wide Energy Learning Network, which aims to support community energy organisations to increase their scale and impact, whilst supporting those ...
Strategically distributing funding to help energy advice organisations do what they do best: make homes healthier and warmer. In the face of ongoing high energy costs, communities across the UK are ...
Solid walls can be insulated internally (from the inside) and externally (from the outside). Both are significant undertakings in terms of cost and disruption. This page focuses on internal solid wall ...
These are our downloadable fact sheets that you can print out and distribute. They are all PDFs and are around 1 MB.
While any home can benefit from retrofitting, older homes usually have more problems, and older homes are the focus of this page. Common issues include damp, condensation, draughts and a lack of ...