Il calendario Timor è protagonista dei pannelli pubblicitari del brand di Kering per questa Fashion Week. Ma non è strano ...
The Timor calendar is the star of the Kering brand’s advertising panels for this Fashion Week. But it is not as strange as it ...
La maggior parte di queste nuove tipologie recentemente introdotte sono monolocali, generalmente in buone condizioni, ma ...
Most of these new types are studio apartments, generally in good condition, but once again, prices in Milan are soaring.
Il team composto da Acpv Architects, Arup, Asset e P’Arcnouveau ha vinto il concorso per il ridisegno dell’Ex Fiera di Roma, ...
The new reMarkable Paper Pro is a pumped-up version of the hugely popular reMarkable 2 digital pad, packed with much ...
ACPV Architects, Arup, Asset, and P’Arcnouveau are part of the team that won the competition to redesign the Former Rome Fair ...
La Reebok x Barbie si ispira a Barbie’s Dream Gap Project e punta a sensibilizzare i consumatori sulle sfide che le donne ...
Progettata dallo studio milanese nel 1959, la casa sulla barca che riprende nel nome e nel progetto l’iconica torre milanese ...
Designed by the Milanese studio in 1959, the house on a boat, whose name and design evoke the iconic Milanese tower, can ...
Ninety years after his birth, Mario Schifano continues to be a reference point for Italian contemporary art. The Roman artist, with his eclectic and innovative work, was able to uniquely interpret and ...
From Gaudí’s skyscraper for New York to Libeskind’s Potsdamer Platz, we've selected 10 projects that, even without ever ...