Anytime and anywhere: Learn German online and with our proven Goethe quality. No matter whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, no matter whether you want to learn German for professional ...
branches of the Goethe-Institut are active in 98 countries around the world.
Das Goethe-Zertifikat A2 ist eine Deutschprüfung für Erwachsene. Es setzt elementare Sprachkenntnisse voraus und entspricht der zweiten Stufe (A2) auf der sechsstufigen Kompetenzskala des Gemeinsamen ...
Our French, Spanish and German cultural exploration/performance sessions offer a varied insight into each country’s culture and offer prompts for a final student ...
Sie möchten unkompliziert online Deutsch lernen, eine simple Sprachlern-App reicht Ihnen aber nicht? Dann ist unser Deutsch Training Online wie für Sie gemacht. Denn bei uns können Sie auf Ihrem ...
presentarse a un puesto de au pair en Alemania un certificado para la visa de reagrupación familiar demostrar que ha alcanzado el nivel A1 obtener un certificado oficial reconocido internacionalmente ...
Selle projektiga suunab Goethe Instituut aastatel 2023–2025 tähelepanu Ida-Euroopale ja Kesk-Aasiale kui ainulaadse postkoloniaalse mõõtmega piirkondadele. Kajastame dekoloniaalseid kultuuripraktikaid ...
The Goethe-Institut is the cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany with a global reach. We promote knowledge of the German language abroad and foster international cultural cooperation.
Berlin has a reputation for being loud, non-conformist and just a bit rude. Our author Nele Jensch looks into what the German capital is really like as she takes readers on a tour of the city where ...
Nuremberg has a picturesque flair and history – including some troubled chapters. The city offers a lot that makes life richer: Our author Clara Lipkowski details spots to experience modern culture, ...
1. 안내 메일을 받은 후 2일 이내에 재발행 비용을 입금해 주십시오. 2. 증명서 재발행 후에는 환불이 불가합니다. 3. 2023년 6월까지 시행된 시험에 대해서만 통합합격증을 신청해 주십시오. 4개 모듈을 모두 한국에서 1년 이내에 합격한 이력이 있는 경우에만 발급 ...
Kayıtlarımız belirtilen kayıt başlangıç tarihlerinde saat 11:00 itibariyle başvurulara açılır. Tarayıcı ayarlarınızda JavaScript'i devre dışı bırakmışsınız. Kursları tekrar inceleyebilmek için ...