The government must invest in early years services to better protect babies and young children Last year, our Helpline referred 11,465 children aged 5 and under to local agencies like the police and ...
In 2023/24 Childline provided over 900 counselling sessions to children on sextortion - the blackmail and threats children receive to share sexual images online. At the same time, the NSPCC Helpline ...
If a young person in your life is self-harming it can be distressing and confusing. It may be difficult to start a conversation with them. They might be doing it because they don’t have the words to ...
Have you talked PANTS yet? Since 2013, Pantosaurus has helped over six million parents to Talk PANTS and help keep children safe from sexual abuse. Developed with children, parents, carers and ...
What are the signs of child abuse? The signs of child abuse aren't always obvious, and a child might not feel able to tell anyone what's happening to them. Sometimes, children don't even realise that ...
There's no such thing as a perfect parent. One day all's calm, the next it's chaos. However it's going, we're here with advice and support for parents and carers.
Loneliness is closely linked to poor mental health. Often the two can create a vicious circle, reinforcing one another. Building Connections allows young people to work with a dedicated befriender to ...
Meet Techosaurus, our new online safety dinosaur! Children are growing up in a time where screens are everywhere and the internet plays a big part in their lives, even from a very young age. This can ...
Children and young people involved with gangs and criminal exploitation need help and support. They might be victims of violence or pressured into doing things like stealing or carrying drugs or ...
Whether they’re heading off to university, moving in with a partner or looking for independence, when your child leaves home, it’s a big deal. Whatever the reason for leaving home is, there are things ...
We're here to protect children from harm. It can be hard to know when extreme views become something dangerous. And the signs of radicalisation aren't always obvious. It might be nothing, it might be ...
We provide services across Scotland to help give children and young people the support they need to thrive. We have a service centre in Glasgow. We work with children, families and professionals. We ...