The musical extravaganza that was ‘From Cape Town With Love’ took place at the Windhoek Country Club on Saturday, bringing excitement and excellent entertainment from ...
Die twee aktiviste, Michael Amushelelo en Dimbulukeni Nauyoma, eis altesaam N$10 miljoen van die staat vir beweerde onregmatige arrestasie en aanhouding. Dit hou verband met ...
Die 30-jarige Namibiese dwelmmuil wat Woensdag in die hof in Kemptonpark in Suid-Afrika verskyn het, het aan die hof gesê sy vrees vir haar lewe. Dit volg nadat sy sedert ...
Pension expert Tilman Friedrich has questioned the planned implementation of the Financial Institutions and Markets Act (FIMA) in its current form, asking whether it is ...
In an ever-changing world, the need to get your financial house in order can't be overstated. Making sure your cash flow stays steady is more than just keeping ...
“Die gehalte gaan agteruit, al die bekwame mense is weg en die permanente personeel van IOL wat oor is werk hulle byna dood,” sê ’n kontrakdosent aan die Institute for ...
Ewan Irvine is in Mei vanjaar gebore en is kort daarna met 'n seldsame, genetiese veltoestand gediagnoseer – iets wat sy lewe lank by hom sal bly. “Ons lewens lyk bietjie anders as wat ons ons ...
Namibië se toerismebedryf het in Augustus vanjaar ’n beduidende toename ervaar in beide streek- en internasionale besoekers. Dit was veral Europese toeriste wat dié ...
A councillor wants the senior administrative staff members of the municipality to step up and ensure the speedy execution of Management Committee recommendations made to the municipal council.
Enkele weke nadat die Wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie (WHO) op 14 Augustus die oplewing in die voorkoms van a-pokke verklaar het as ’n openbare gesondheidsnoodgeval van internasion As jy n aktiewe ...
Fishing group Sea Harvest reported a dip in profits on Tuesday, under pressure from higher finance costs and weaker demand for abalone in China. Fishing group Sea Harvest yesterday reported a dip in ...
The Hollard Namibia Group announced a renewed three-year sponsorship of N$750 000 to the Amos Meerkat School Project, reaffirming its dedication to preparing farm and ...